It is easy in our society to worry about how you are getting ahead and who knows your name. Certainly, I want you to know me, but, only so I might show you the One who sends me.
Ultimately, it is only important that my name is known in two places: Heaven and Hell.
I heard a sermon today by Pastor Gene Gregory, River of Life Church, where he talked about this very topic. To be honest, I had never considered or desired for my name to be known in Hell! Even Job was on the tongue of Satan when he asked Jesus for one person he could tempt. Remember the faithfulness and patience of Job? It makes sense now. If I am the fierce prayer warrior and lover of Christ that I claim, then even the enemy would know my name! Of course, I want my name in the Lamb's Book of Life so all of Heaven knows I belong to my Creator. But, to consider that I would want the demons to know who I am ... I am His, is just as powerful!
I pray, "Father, know my heart. Guide me in your ways. Help me to not lean on my understanding of things, but on yours. For, what am I that I may be considered worthy of your affections? I surrender my whole heart and life to you, Lord. Use me as you need me and keep me with you for all eternity. Make the demons flee before me because they know that I belong to you, in Jesus name, Amen."
Is your name in the Lamb's Book of Life? If not, contact me and I would be happy to pray with you. Ask and Receive Jesus Christ's prepaid gift of Salvation, today. You don't have to "work" for it. It is a gift that cost Him His own life. He did it for you!
Write down things you would like to thank Him for and start a relationship of gratitude with the Savior.